Friday, 5 December 2014

"Thrift Shop" in Hilarious Video! Watch Now! - The Hollywood Gossip | Gossip Hollywood Blog

"Thrift Shop" in Hilarious Video! Watch Now! - The <b>Hollywood Gossip</b> | Gossip Hollywood Blog

"Thrift Shop" in Hilarious Video! Watch Now! - The <b>Hollywood Gossip</b>

Posted: 02 Dec 2014 02:15 PM PST

Pop quiz: What do Michele Bachmann and have in common?

If you said, they're both punchlines from 2012 that have thankfully been forgotten...well, you're right. But the answer we were looking for is, they're both part of today's most unexpectedly hilarious viral video: 

Michele Bachmann: "Thrift Shop"

Bachmann is leaving congress at the end of her current term, and we now know why. Clearly, she'll be hitting the midwestern battle rap circuit a la Eminem in 8 Mile.

We can see her now: Hunched over in a hoodie, swaying to an imaginary beat, rhymes about mom's spaghetti running through her mind.

Sorry, we might be thinking about how she prepped for the Republican primary debates.

Anyway, regardless of your feelings on her politics, we can all agree on two things:

  1. Michele Bachmann might be the worst white rapper in the history white rap. Seriously, this woman makes Vanilla Ice look like Jay Z.
  2. It's a good thing that she was unsuccessful in her bid for the White House. What if the word "incredible" popped up on the teleprompter during a State of the Union address and she started spittin' about poppin' tags?!

Anyway, enjoy Michele's attempt to take over the rap game, and join us in imagining a parallel universe in which Mrs. Bachmann is a one-hit wonder and Macklemore is in congress.

We're guessing he'd be really fun and popular at first, then with his second single term he'd get all serious and preachy, and everyone would forget about him. 

Maybe you ARE too sexy for your shirt. If so, there's a one hit wonder for that.

13 Dogs Who Wish Everyday Were Hump Day - The <b>Hollywood</b> <b>...</b>

Posted: 03 Dec 2014 04:30 AM PST

To most people around the world, today is Wednesday.

But to the 13 canines featured in the following photo gallery, today is a lot more than just the middle day of the week. It's HUMP DAY!

Much to the chagrin of their fellow dogs, some unfortunately-placed toys, a couple cats and even one person's foot, these animals love nothing more than to celebrate this weekly occasion with the thrusting of their pelvis.

Not to mention another key body part in the equation.

Look at these little guys go!

Getting their hump on is perhaps the only thing some dogs love more than singing Let It Go or pigging out on Thanksgiving.

Click through the above GIFs to be both grossed out and entertained, and also to wonder: Did that dog at least buy that toy dinner before going to town on it?

Khloe Kardashian FAKED Her Family&#39;s Thanksgiving Celebration <b>...</b>

Posted: 01 Dec 2014 02:30 PM PST

The Kardashians have often been accused of featuring scripted drama and plenty of bad acting on their many E! network "reality" shows, but now Kim and kompany may have taken to blurring the line between fiction and fact even when the cameras aren't rolling.

Kisses from the Kardashians

Sources tell Radar Online that the family's posts over Thanksgiving weekend were designed to give the false impression that all is well with Reality TV's First Family.

"It's way too obvious that they faked their happy Thanksgiving," says one insider, who points out that the only photos the camera-happy clan posted from the festivities at Khloe's house were of table settings and food.

Kim posted a pic of daughter North the day after Thanksgiving, but from the looks of it, no one posed for a family photo on the day itself.

Yes, the Kardashians expect us to believe that they were all in one place no one thought to snap a selfie.

Insiders say the plan to fake some family togetherness began when most of the famous siblings decided to ditch Kris Jenner:

"After no one wanted to go to Kris', Khloe decided to have dinner at her house," one source claims. "Still no one wanted to go because they knew Kris was going to be there, so they made it seem like they were all together when, in fact, they were not."

Apparently, the problem wasn't with Kris herself, but with her new boyfriend Corey Gamble, with whom she insisted on spending the holiday. 

So if your family is feeling more dysfunctional than usual this season, just post some pics of a Christmas tree or a turkey, tag your siblings, and pretend like you had a happy holiday! Those Kardashians might really be on to something with this idea!

Watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online for more brilliant life hacks.


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