Tuesday 21 October 2014

13 Rappers Who Went Broke: They Should've Kept Their Mind on ... | Gossip Hollywood Blog

13 Rappers Who Went Broke: They Should&#39;ve Kept Their Mind on <b>...</b> | Gossip Hollywood Blog

13 Rappers Who Went Broke: They Should&#39;ve Kept Their Mind on <b>...</b>

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 11:30 AM PDT

In many ways, rappers are like professional athletes: 

They're fiercely competitive; many view their talent as their only way to escape awful circumstances; they often experience success at a very young age...and they're frequently broke before they hit their mid-twenties.

And we're not even talking about the Vanilla Ices and MC Hammers whose riches to rags stories have become industry-wide cautionary tales.

Many rappers who are still bragging about their wealth in club-banger verses have squandered sums greater than the GDPs of some small island nations.

Naturally, lots of celebrities go broke as their star begins to fade and they struggle desperately to continue living the lavish lives to which they've become accustomed, but rappers seem particularly vulnerable to the "spend fast, go bankrupt young" mentality.

Maybe it's the genre's emphasis on jewels, clothes, and cars. Or perhaps it has something to do with the major labels' notorious (no pun intended) habit of screwing up-and-comers on what should be multi-million dollar deals.

Whatever the case, the list above is likely to surprise you.

Did you Kylie Jenner's boyfriend Tyga owes over $100,000 in back taxes? Or that the dollar sign in Ma$e's name is completely ironic at this point?

There's a lot to be learned from the list above. For one thing, don't start buying gold chains until your mortgage is taken care of.

For another thing, Lil Kim shouldn't have named her kid Royal Reign while she's seven figures in debt. That's putting a lot of pressure on a baby, Kim.

Stephen Collins to Avoid Prosecution Over Child Molestation Charges

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 12:52 PM PDT

Despite admitting to multiple instances of child molestation in the 1980s, Stephen Collins will NOT be charged by authorities in New York or Los Angeles.

According to TMZ sources, the statute of limitations has expired for all three alleged cases, which were brought to the attention of law enforcement officials when the following audio went viral this month.

Stephen Collins Admits to Child Molestation

It was recorded by Collins' estranged wife, Faye Grant, in 2012 when she and Collins attended a therapy session together.

In a disturbing, multi-minute admission, Collins talks openly about three girls between the ages of 10 and 13.

He says he exposed himself to all three and he forced one girl to touch his penis, which he described as having a "partial" erection at the time.

Collins is yet to comment on the allegations, through he's resigned from the National Board of the Screen Actors Guild and been dropped by his talent agency in the wake of the scandal.

Grant has denied leaking this damning audio to the media, but an attorney for Collins believe she is attempting to extort his client.

Over $14 million is at stake in Grant and Collins' ongoing divorce proceedings, though Grant also denies all accusations of blackmail.

The divorce trial is scheduled for next month, however, and Grant plans to raise the issue because she wants her portion of the assets protected in case one of the victims files suit.

Collins may also raise the issue of the recording because he believes she used it to extort him and hopes a judge will agree.

In other words: this isn't the last we've heard about Stephen Collins molesting young girls. Things may turn even uglier from here, even if the police do not get involved.

Jon Gosselin: Broke! Evicted From Home! - The <b>Hollywood Gossip</b>

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 10:11 AM PDT

Jon Gosselin is broke and was recently evicted from his home in rural Pennsylvania after failing to pay his rent on time, according to a new report.

"It's true," an insider says of recent talk that Jon's landlord booted him.

"He was evicted last week and [he's] in the process of moving out."

Jon: Smoked

Jon Gosselin, who'd been waiting tables to pay bills, was most recently working for a credit card company, but that job didn't work out as planned.

"It lasted a few months," the source says. "Now, he's broke again."

The insider claimed that much of Gosselin's financial woes come from making poor decisions, but wouldn't elaborate on the specifics of what those were.

Not that it's hard to think up a bunch off the top of your head.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, he said it was "next to nearly impossible to find work" since his TLC reality show came to an end in 2011.

TLC is bringing back Kate Plus 8, sans Jon, this winter.

You might not think Gosselin's eviction snag affects his eight kids, since Kate Gosselin is the one who supports them anyway, but where will they stay?

"He can see his kids," the source says, as per the couple's custody agreement, but now "they can't stay over because he has nowhere to put them."

Gonna be rough going for Jon for awhile it sounds like.

The former TLC reality star last appeared on VH1's Couples Therapy with his then-girlfriend of two years, Liz Jannetta ... who just broke up with him.

Says the source, "She moved."

If you watch Couples Therapy online, you can see how last season, Gosselin ripped his "narcissistic" ex-wife who "can go and f--king die" for all he cares.

Wonder if he feels the same way about Liz now.

In any case, Jon's future plans for finding a place to live are not clear, marking the latest turn for the worse in one of the more startling falls from grace we can recall.

The marriage between Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian lasted 72 days. Pretty much every second of it took place on reality TV.

Kris Jenner: Torn Apart Over Bruce Jenner-Ronda Kamihira Boning

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 06:19 AM PDT

As previously reported, Bruce Jenner is now dating Ronda Kamihira.

And while it would be painful for Kris Jenner to accept that her ex-husband has moved on with anyone, this relationship hits home especially hard for the reality star.

Because Ronda Kamihira is her best friend of 20 years.

Kris Jenner Red Carpet Shot

According to TMZ sources, Kris has cried herself to sleep every night over the unexpected hook-up, partly because Kamihira hasn't said a word to her about it.

Instead, Jenner learned of the romance through other friends and also via photos that have surfaced online, such as Bruce and Ronda leaving an Elton John concert in Los Angeles together on October 4.

Kris is "torn apart and angry," an insider tells TMZ.

She's in shock that neither Bruce nor Ronda has even run their relationship by her in any way. She feels "humiliated and played."

We can only imagine that Jenner will strike back by going to find some new man for herself and by rubbing that dalliance in Bruce's face, to which we say this ahead of time:

We feel really bad for you, Hypothetical Future Boyfriend of Kris Jenner. Hang in there, man.

... as a way to promote her family's clothing boutiques. She brought the idea to E! with the help of Ryan Seacrest.

Ronda Kamihira is a 51-year old divorcee with two kids. They grew up with Kylie and Kendall Jenner and the families have been friends for nearly two decades.

Yup. That's a bit awkward.

But so is having sex in general with Bruce Jenner, we'd imagine.


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