Thursday 21 August 2014

19 Fantasy Football Team Names That Guarantee Victory (Or At ... | Gossip Hollywood Blog

19 Fantasy Football Team Names That Guarantee Victory (Or At <b>...</b> | Gossip Hollywood Blog

19 Fantasy Football Team Names That Guarantee Victory (Or At <b>...</b>

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 01:45 PM PDT

Listen up, THGers.

As various celebrities have proven over the years, it really doesn't matter what you name your baby. Go ahead and be as ridiculous as you want, no one cares much in the big picture.

But your fantasy football team? This is serious business. This is your chance to prove to your friends that you're witty and creative; that you're attuned to pop culture and/or current events.

Trust us: you do NOT want to eff this up.

So consider the following pun-based monikers, some of which are not exactly safe for work. But that's what makes them so fun! Oh, and one more thing: if you conquer your league with any of these names, THG is entitled to a cut of your winnings.

It's only fair, right?

Andrew Keegan Starts New Religion: What is Full Circle? - The <b>...</b>

Posted: 15 Aug 2014 01:19 PM PDT

Andrew Keegan has started a new religion.

According to Vibe Magazine, the actor (10 Things I Hate About You, 7th Heaven) has created a "new age temple and spiritual movement" dubbed Full Circle.

It is named as such due to "Synchronicity [and time]," Keegan says. "That's what it's all about. Whatever, the past, some other time. It's a circle; in the center is now. That's what it's about."

We feel like Rust Cohle would totally approve of this religion.

Andrew Keegan Picture

In March 2011, Keegan was attacked by a gang - and that's when everything changed for him.

"The significance of this occurrence is that it happened at the same time the tsunami hit Japan," explains Keegan, saying it was part of a larger "synchronicity" that led him to debut Full Circle.

Ceremonies at Third Eye church will center on water crystals, as members attempt to use these items to focus their energies on solving crises such as the Israel-Gaza conflict.

"We create a resonance of balance and equality of the crew," Keegan tells Vice. "When you feel those chakras aligned, there's guided messaging coming in. If there is something of spiritual ego within that, it must not exist."

In July 2011, Keegan was manhandled by the police during a house party arrest.

But we wish him the best of luck with this religion.

24 Hottest Jennifer Lawrence Photos: Forever and Ever in Your Favor!

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 07:13 AM PDT

If these recent reports of Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Martin dating are accurate, the Coldplay frontman has officially landed the sexiest woman alive.

Seriously. The actress, who just celebrated her 24th birthday, has been named that on more than one list of such things over the past several years.

Not by accident, either, we'd venture to say.

Wow. That's the only word that's really necessary when gazing upon this Jennifer Lawrence photo.

In addition to her acclaimed and surprisingly versatile acting talents, which include playing action heroes as well as intense dramatic roles, Lawrence is gorgeous.

Not trying-too-hard gorgeous, either, but naturally pretty, combined with a personality that makes you feel as though she were somehow attainable.

Probably not for you. Just divorced British rockers 15 years her senior, apparently. Alas. She exudes that attractive, girl-next-door charm in any case.

As such, we pay tribute here to 24 of the hottest Jennifer Lawrence photos ever taken, in celebration of a woman who truly is the whole package.

With J-Law's extensive, impressive resume and refreshingly authentic, engaging persona, you could almost forget sometimes how flat-out stunning she is.

Almost. But not quite. Not quite.


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